Sunday, August 23, 2009

Investigation Updates!

In July and August we did two investigations. One was local in the town of Pleasanton, ca and the other in San Juan Bautista, ca.

Both cases involved apparitions so it made for good investigations.

We are still waiting to review both cases with the owners. Since it is "our policy" to NOT reveal any info regarding cases before reviewing with clients, we can not give details or post evidence on how both investigations went.

As soon as we get the permission we will post the information.

For now we are scheduled to investigate a california lighthouse at the end of august.

Stay tuned ...


Ghost Explorers!!

In case you haven't notice, we have changed our name from Bayside Paranormal Society to "Ghost Explorers. So why did we do this? This idea was mine-"Anthony" the founder of Bayside.

In the beginning it seemed right and natural to use the name Paranormal Society but, even then I always thought the name was to long and vague.

So why do I say vague? because paranormal encompasses so many things that are paranormal.

I have no intention of investigating UFO's, Bigfoot or other such paranormal activity.

Our mission statement from the beginning has always been to help those deal with whatever might be causing paranormal activity in there home or business- in this case spirits and ghosts.

We are Ghost Explorers.. the name says it all.


Sunday, June 14, 2009

Oak Knoll Cemetery - Livermore, California

I have always thought, why would a ghost haunt a cemetery? Thinking that we would haunt the places we wanted to be - or the place we met an untimely death. Not the place we were laid to rest. When we got that horrendous EVP of a woman saying in a hissing voice "Get Out" I felt so bad. Basically because something is there that wanted me out. It was a sound I wont soon forget. I never want to think someones not at peace - but this bothered me. They should have been here at rest.

When the group came back to investigate, we didn't really have any experiences there. I think myself and another investigator had the only documented one. We were doing a temp reading and documented a fluctuation from 56 to 38 degrees in a matter of a minute, then it rose back up to normal. Then about ten minutes later the same transpired, but this time it dove to 28 degrees then up again. The investigator and I both agreed we were being watched. From the evidence we would pull about 4 EVP's. Mostly just voices in our conversations that were not the group members. I believe all of them were male. It is just amazing to think we could be stuck hovering around our gravestone. Why? Is it because the state of the graveyard? It really makes you think.

Investigation 5/11/09

Second Investigation - Winchester Private Residence

We were asked to return to this location. The owner was still experiencing activity. Now they experienced the TV turning itself off (no timer was set) Also there were two separate alarm clocks, not set by the owner that went off not at the time indicated on the clocks - but at different times early in the morning. The family was also hearing various noises such as knocking and wrapping. The final came when the owners daughter experienced children's laughter and the bed shaking one night as she slept alone in her Mother's bedroom. It was after this they asked us to return. We came back armed with another local paranormal team. The investigation took us several hours. Overall the investigation was pretty quiet, the focus seemed to be in the master bedroom and we had a Tri-field meter flaring when questions were asked. I had an experience with the Daughter in the room, we both felt uneasy and the Tri-field began to respond as we asked who was here. Another event that took place was in the dining room. Again with the daughter was present and she mentioned she heard whispering in her ear. I asked "why it was here, and what was it trying to tell her?" Later in the review of audio I would get an answer to my question. A response of a soft male voice saying "That I am here" We cannot deny that there is some kind of intelligent haunting in this residence. Whom it is we cannot say. Maybe this place is a portal of sorts. Who can say for sure. The history of the land, and the doings of Sarah Winchester could have played a factor. She was known to call spirits to her home nightly. Who's to say they ever left. One thing is for sure, the family has been empowered. They have made the decision to take back the home. To let these things know, they cannot mess with the household any more. They have begun to understand what this can do. This is a great move. A positive direction. They are the living beings here, and will fight for property. I think this is key to living at peace with the entities. They need to know they cannot be there any longer and must move on, or be at peace. The living are here now. Bayside wishes the family best of luck in the future and keep us posted on any updates.

-Lydia June 2009

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Answers to Nothing

I am almost finished up with some EVP's for another investigation. It has me thinking - how much resolution will we ever bring to a case? As an investigator you come across clients who keep having repeat events occur. Even though we have done our part - what does that offer them? I have been thinking about this recently as we are trying to help a client who's family is just done feeling unsafe in their home. They are basically waiting for the next time they are awoken by an alarm clock no one has set, or a TV that comes on without human assistance or hears disembodied convos. This makes me feel ineffective at times. I by no means ever claim to me a "mover" or have the ability to bring peace to a home. I stand as a person of science and technology - documenting what is going on. Letting people know - things we have captured on video and audio or the machines we use give us evidence something is there. What now? I am telling you, theres something here - you know that. Now what? The client either has to co-exist, or try to get rid of it. Either way its no easy task. We have referred people to individuals who have the power to move a entity, to help it find its path to wherever it should be. Sometimes this is met with resistance. It doesnt always leave. Most of the time it's telling us to go. Its a difficult thing, not being able to get rid of the ghosts. I wish I could offer more for the client. The people we have met in our journeys have been good people. Just looking for answers and someone who'll listen. I alway wish we could do more.